Home Screen

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The User’s dashboard of their “Flow”.
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SuiteFlow stores all your People information in a single table; clients, prospects, vendors, etc. This enables you to quickly and easily find any set of People you desire for whatever purpose you desire.

A Person can be entered as an “individual” (not linked to an Organization) or linked to an Organization. A Person record can only be linked to a single Organization. Here’s the SuiteFlow logic … a Person entry allows you to track your relationship with that Person. If the Person is linked to an Organization, then you’re probably tracking your relationship with that Person based upon their role within the Organization (the Title field). For example, if John Smith is the sales manager for ABC, Inc., then the Activity you create when dealing with John is related to his role as the sales manager. If John leaves ABC, Inc. and is replaced by Judy Jones, don’t create a new record for Judy Jones. Instead replace John Smith’s name with “Judy Jones” in the sales manager (Title field) Person record. All the Activity you created with John will still have his name displayed. All new Activity will have Judy’s name displayed.
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SuiteFlow accommodates both business-to-business and business-to-person needs. 

An Organization is simply a grouping of People. An Organization MUST have a Person linked; therefore, to create an Organization first create a Person. Then create the Organization from the new Person screen. If you don’t have an actual Person to enter, no problem, enter the Person as “Sales” or Receptionist” (etc.) in the Last Name field.

From the Organization detail screen you can view all Activity, Orders, Invoices, etc. with any Person linked to the Organization.


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Activity is defined as “interaction between a User and Person, or work done by a User for a Person, e.g. phone call, email, meeting, letter, etc.
An Activity entry is created for each interaction with a Person. All Activity can then be grouped by Organization, Person, Topic, Proposal, Order, Purchase Order, etc.


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Topics allow you to track everything from simple lead management all the way to full-blown project management.
A Topic is a topic of conversation. A Topic can be sales-based or service-based.

A Topic can own Parties (team of People), Activity, Phases (tasks), Additional Information, Documents, Time/Expense, Proposals, Orders, Invoices, and Purchase Orders. Each of the Topic’s Phases can be linked to multiple Users. As each Phase is marked as “completed”, subsequent Phases are activated and display on the corresponding User’s “Active Phases” list (Home screen). Thus, the Topic can be efficiently moved through your organization.

A Topic can be used to simply link Activity. Therefore, you can go to the Topic and see all communication concerning the Topic (across every team member, if necessary).


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Think of Phases like stages of a project; they put the work “Flow” into SuiteFlow. In essence, Phases allow you to take any project or production and divide up the work required between Users.

Phases can be linked to a Topic, a Product, an Order, or a Group. Phases can be defined in any way you desire. Each Phase can be assigned to a User or a team of Users. When a User completes a Phase they check the Phase as “completed”. Phases are ranked numerically in order of necessity; therefore, when a Phase is completed subsequent Phase(s) are “activated”. When a Phases is “active” it will appear on the assigned User’s (or Users) Home screen as needing to be completed. Topic Phases are pre or post Order; sales or service. Order Phases are used to manage production. Group Phases are used to walk groups of People through a series of events. If a your needs include an involved sales workflow, a production workflow, and a service/support workflow it would be logical to utilize Phases to manage all three workflows. 

Phases can be edited as you go. For example: if you link Phases to a Topic and later discover you need to add a Phase; simply add it, give it a rank, assign it to a User(s) and that quickly you’ve changed the work flow.

Phases can be linked to a Product so when the Product is sold, standard production Phases can be followed.

Activity can be linked to a Phase. Therefore, as work is performed within a Phase it can be tracked through the Activity logged. If the Activity Timer feature is utilized SuiteFlow can report exactly how much time is being spent in each Phase.

Special Detail

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The “Special Detail” feature is a set of 20 fields which is defined by the User. Each set is known as a “Special Detail Template”. A Special Detail Template can be linked to a Topic, Phase, Product, Additional Info, Proposal, Order, Invoice, and Purchase Order,

Feel free to call us at 706-750-8400. Our friendly staff is ready to answer your questions!

SuiteFlow™’s feature set is simply too large to share it all here. Our goal was to create a system which 95% of the entire small-to-medium business market could use to manage 95% of their need … right out of the box, with no customization! We succeeded!

Please give us the opportunity to demonstrate the software with your specific needs in mind.
Our associates are friendly and can present one-on-one or group demos.
Call us at 706-750-8400 or click the “Request a Demo” button.