Person Interaction
The Person Interaction scene allows you to quickly search by Last Name, First Name, Organization, and Phone Number. Once you've found the desired Person you can quickly:
• view their information
• display their Activity or create a new Activity
• display their Orders or create a new Order
• display their Proposals or create a new Proposal
• display their Topics or create a new Topic
Clicking the magnifying glass will send you to the full-search screen where you can find based upon all Person fields.

The Inbox scene displays email inboxes to which the User is linked either as "assigned to" or a "team member". If the User determines the email needs to be saved into SuiteFlow, it is saved as an Activity linked to the desired Person.

The Activity scene displays all follow ups assigned to the User for the selected date.

Topics allow you to track everything from simple lead management all the way to full-blown project management.
A Topic is a topic of conversation. A Topic can be sales-based or service-based.
A Topic can own Parties (team of People), Activity, Phases (tasks), Additional Information, Documents, Time/Expense, Proposals, Orders, Invoices, and Purchase Orders. Each of the Topic’s Phases can be linked to multiple Users. As each Phase is marked as “completed”, subsequent Phases are activated and display on the corresponding User’s “Active Phases” list (Home screen). Thus, the Topic can be efficiently moved through your organization.
A Topic can be used to simply link Activity. Therefore, you can go to the Topic and see all communication concerning the Topic (across every team member, if necessary).

Think of Phases like stages of a project; they put the work “Flow” into SuiteFlow. In essence, Phases allow you to take any project or production and divide up the work required between Users.
Phases can be linked to a Topic, a Product, an Order, or a Group. Phases can be defined in any way you desire. Each Phase can be assigned to a User or a team of Users. When a User completes a Phase they check the Phase as “completed”. Phases are ranked numerically in order of necessity; therefore, when a Phase is completed subsequent Phase(s) are “activated”. When a Phases is “active” it will appear on the assigned User’s (or Users) Home screen as needing to be completed. Topic Phases are pre or post Order; sales or service. Order Phases are used to manage production. Group Phases are used to walk groups of People through a series of events. If a your needs include an involved sales workflow, a production workflow, and a service/support workflow it would be logical to utilize Phases to manage all three workflows.
Phases can be edited as you go. For example: if you link Phases to a Topic and later discover you need to add a Phase; simply add it, give it a rank, assign it to a User(s) and that quickly you’ve changed the work flow.
Phases can be linked to a Product so when the Product is sold, standard production Phases can be followed.
Activity can be linked to a Phase. Therefore, as work is performed within a Phase it can be tracked through the Activity logged. If the Activity Timer feature is utilized SuiteFlow can report exactly how much time is being spent in each Phase.

My Service
SuiteFlow works beautifully for the service industry. The Service scene on the Home screen allows a User to see all active service Orders they are managing. The User can also view all unassigned service Orders for which they are a team member.

Unfilled Orders
This Home scene displays all Order which unfilled (incomplete).

This Home scene displays all Orders which are ready to be delivered to the customer. There are 3 tabs on this scene: "Shipping", "Orders Ready To Ship", "Orders Ready For Customer Pickup", and "Core Built Products Needed".
The "Shipping" tab is a dashboard which allows the User to navigate to all the Order ship categories as displayed in this image.
The "Orders Ready To Ship" tab displays the Orders ready to ship.
The "Orders Ready For Customer Pickup" tab the Order ready for customer pickup.
The "Core Built Products Needed" tab displays all core-built Products which need to be built to fulfill current Orders.

This Home scene displays all Orders which are ready to be invoiced. This allows Users to quickly print or email Invoices to customers the moment the Order can be invoiced.

This Home scene displays all Products which require purchasing. Purchasing needs are broken out by:
• Orders requiring Product purchasing,
• Orders requiring drop-ship purchasing,
• and Products requiring purchasing to maintain desired stock levels.

This Home scene displays every Product linked to a Purchase Order which has not been received from the Vendor.

My Notices
This Home scene displays alerts that lets a User know that another User has assigned an item to them. Clicking the "Got It" button removes the Notice and confirms that the User has acknowledged receipt of the assignment.